Youth Ministry

Youth Ministry


The Students Outreach started in 1979 when the General Superintendent of Deeper Christian Life Ministry held the first ever Free Vacation School for Secondary School Students in Lagos State. The impact of this programme was tremendous as lives of many young people were transformed and they were motivated to succeed academically.

Widening the horizon of youth evangelism, the outreach to students in their various schools was established as Post Primary School Outreach. This was eventually changed to Deeper Life Schools Outreach (DLSO). Over the years, this Outreach has operated in the Secondary Schools directly or indirectly under the names Success Club or Christian Student Fellowship. There is an off-shoot of DLSO which caters for the youth in Deeper Life Bible Church. This is named Youth Home Success Fellowship.




A magazine for youths that provides:

*  Practical help for Christian growth
* Powerful tools for fruitful soul-winning
* Priceless principles for a better tomorrow

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